Trigger Your "Longevity Gene" With RESVERATROL

The Natural Way To Live Longer, Healthier & Slimmer

The secret is out ! At last, you can stop or even reverse your aging processes and all the health problems that go along with it. Finally, you can live longer, healthier and slimmer. Just add Resveratrol to your daily plan.

With it anti-aging benefit, Resveratrol is attracting news highlights on American TV shows like “60 Minutes” , “ABC News” , “CBS News”  and “Oprah” and in US publications like Fortune Magazine, Time Magazine and the New York Times. This shouldn’t come as any surprise when you hear how it works.

Resveratrol activates the “longevity gene” in your body and heals you at the deepest cellular level. By using this unique supplement, you can experience powerful health and vitality. You can lose weight and maintain it. Last but not least, you can add high-quality years or even decades to your life.


Introduce the King of Mushroom!

Niu Zhang Zhi
Niu Zhang Zhi is made from a unique mushroom found only in Taiwan. First discovered during the Qing Dynasty, this national treasure is so rare, it's protected by the Taiwanese government.

What makes Niu Zhang Zhi so potent? It's the amount of triterpenoids, the main active ingredient. While the popular LingZhi mushroom has only 50 triterpenoids, Niu Zhang Zhi has over 200. That's four times as many! Imagine the liver-protecting power!

If you feel poorly and don’t know why, you might have a “sluggish” liver. Niu Zhang Zhi, one of Taiwan's National Treasures, helps to activate a "sluggish" liver and sweeps toxins out of the liver. These toxins can cause (symptoms):

2 - MISAI KUCING TEA ( JAVA TEA) - Continue.........


Cleanses & Detoxifies the Kidneys

Swollen Feet Image
Toxins such as excess uric, metabolic waste and acid buid-up, should be flushed out from the body to prevent accumulation. Failure to do so may cause health problems such as unexplained tiredness, skin breakouts, weakened immune defenses, aches and pains, etc.

Misa kucing cleanses the kidneys, one of the major detoxification organs in the body and helps flush out excess water and toxins. It works naturally and gently without putting a strain on the kidneys unlike some diuretic drugs, and does not cause the side effects typical of synthetic diuretics.